We would love to hear what the Lord has done through this or any of the previous East Coast Pastors’ Wives Retreats.
We will consolidate the testimonies that are sent in and post as many of as we can on this website.

Note: If you would like to stay anonymous, please check the box at the end of the form and we will not share your name along with your testimony.

As a Pastor’s wife, I have been to many ECPW Retreats in the past and have enjoyed all of them, but last year, 2019 was one of the best because I felt that all of the speakers were “real” during their sharing time.
As a younger Pastor’s Wife, I always felt that I didn’t measure up to any of the teachers there, I felt like they were “perfect”, but this past retreat was very freeing.
We don’t have to be a “mega” church, or a perfect speaker or give the “perfect” prayer, and it was comforting to hear of the problems the speakers gave, including church splits, hurtful people who slander the hard work our husbands do on a daily basis. etc.
When you are a young Pastor’s wife you aren’t prepared for all of the negative things that come along with it...so it was refreshing to hear from some of the speakers, to hear of their trials, splits, etc.
Before, I would just see a mega church (why aren’t we growing), a perfect, well spoken Pastors Wife (I don’t measure up), a perfect church that all get along (why are people trying to split the church and take as many as possible along with them).
Maybe these are things that we just have to learn along the way, but it does help tremendously to know that all of these Senior Pastors Wives have gone through similar problems.
I always knew my husband was “chosen” to be a pastor, but it took me many years to realize that I was “chosen” too.

Thank you for all of your hard work you put into planning a beautiful, retreat for us, and thank all of the speakers for sharing honestly from their hearts.

This was just my second year attending ECPW Retreat, but God has met me at the door in such a real way each year. Each speaker shares the deep truths of Scripture with a light touch of compassion, humor and empathy. I appreciate how the sessions minister to my heart personally, while also teaching me how to better minister to the needs of others in my life, church and community. Though I’m in my early 40s, we have a young church and so I find myself being one of the “elder” stateswomen to our church body — I appreciate ECPW for exposing me the wisdom of women who are more experienced and wiser than me, and especially for the “divine appointments” over the coffee pot that God used to bring me something and someone I desperately needed to hear. God uses you to love us in so many ways, big and small. Thank you for creating this opportunity to refill and refuel.
— Amy

I cannot even put into words the great impact this Retreat has had on me each and every year for well over 20 years. With some current health issues that did not allow me to attend this year, being able to watch and worship along with everyone via live stream is an incredible gift from God! Thank you so much!!
I have to add, that the gift of all of the Pastors Wives that have shared the Word with us each year, starting with Kay Smith, each and every one of you have been used so mightily in my life as a living example of ‘staying the course’ and persevering in the faith, always being so transparent with us on the ups and downs of ministry, personal challenges and that daily walk with Jesus!
So many precious memories of the personal times with Jesus on some of the rockier roads traveled in life have happened at ECPWR at Sandy Cove!
Thank you again to all who pour their heart and soul into each year’s planning and praying so that we fellow pastors wives and our sisters who serve with us can be so well fed, encouraged and nourished in Him!
— Christine

I am so grateful to God for His perfect provision in this conference and the yearly blessing it brings to our lives. Thank you so much for the committed lives and hearts of the godly women that seek His plan for the conference year after year and your obedience to Him.
Thank you for your willingness in sharing His teachings and testimonies to encouragement us in the race and to keep pressing forward.
I was unable to attend the conference again this year because of personal medical issues. God brought my husband Mark through cancer the past year and a half and because of the timing of his surgeries and treatments last year I was unable to attend. Though I would rather be there in person, I a, very blessed by modern technology and the ability to “live stream” and watch in the comfort of my home to heal :).
Though I miss you greatly we can always trust in God’s perfect plan and provision in our lives because of His great love for us. I am praying that all of you attending the conference are filled in God’s fullest of blessings!! Thank you so much for the blessing of each of you and your love for Jesus.
”........God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever” Ps. 73:26b
— Kathy

It would be a monumental task to try and explain what the ECPWR has meant to me over all of these years, but I will do my best.
In 1989 my future husband led me to Christ. He was a Youth Pastor at a small country bumpkin church in Western Massachusetts. In 1990 I married said Pastor. In 1993 he was ordained as a Senior Pastor at Calvary Chapel of Western Mass. That’s when the fun began!
I don’t remember when the first ECPWR was held, but I clearly remember my experience. In very short order, I was done with the ministry. I didn’t play the piano. I didn’t bake cookies and I was unsure as to whether or not I even liked people in general. It was an unmitigated disaster!
So there I was at the conference center. All alone and sure that my first retreat would be my last! Some crazy woman sat next to me in the foyer by the bookstore because I was crying. I looked right at her and told her not to pray for me and that I was only here for the food! She had the gall to stay and talk to me and even pray for me. I wondered who would ever do such a thing. Why did she think it was ok to step right into my bubble unannounced and uninvited. She told me that it would get easier. I now know after nearly 30 years that she was either lying or she had no idea herself what was to come...lol!
As we made our way into the session I remember thinking that there was no way that I was supposed to be there. There was no way that I was going to stay in ministry and there was no way that God would bother to speak to such an infidel. I WAS SO WRONG!
Forward through raising 4 children, planting 3 churches, living in 2 states 2 times each and seeing a full powered FM radio station to fruition and I can honestly say that there is absolutely NO WAY that I would have made it without this retreat! Some years I came just to get away and laugh a little. Some years I came insolent and hard hearted. Some years I came so broken that I thought I would die. But, I always left refreshed, encouraged, exhorted, rebuked and delivered! I remember bits and pieces of each retreat, but mostly I remember the love and the fellowship and the accountability and the grace. I remember that each and every one of you have been painfully honest about your own lives and experiences so that I was able to be who God called me and not worry about emulating anyone but CHRIST.
You have never made me feel unwanted or unworthy and you have always been willing to deal with the real issues with Truth and Love!
I love you all so much! You have done a great thing by leading us and guiding us through the pitfalls, valleys and mountain tops. You have kept our eyes on Jesus and caused us to love our calling with all of our hearts! Great is your reward!
— Amira